Google has recently introduced offline maps for the Indian subcontinent. Google now allows you to download an area on to your phone, so as to help you with navigation in that area even if connectivity is nil.

Google had previously already offered offline features for viewing maps, but this was restricted to only viewing the specific area. Now the new feature from Google allows a user to not only view the area downloaded, but also search for specific points on the maps, get turn-by-turn navigation to the destination and also other useful information such as find the hours of operation, contact information and rating all without the requirement of internet connectivity.
For instance, when moving around in a new city, before heading to the city the user can download the area of the city by clicking the download button then go to offline maps and press the “+” button. On reaching the new city, the user can just use the downloaded maps to help them navigate through the city by entering specific destinations. The maps will use the downloaded area for guiding the user through to their destination. All this with either spotty or no internet connectivity at all.
When the user does find a good internet connection, or Wi-Fi connectivity, the maps will directly switch back online so you can access the full version of Maps, including live traffic conditions for your current route. While in online mode, the maps will, by default, download areas to the user’s device.
Google says with new features like turn-by-turn navigation, and ability to search for places without internet connectivity, it wants to make the people in India feel easier to find their way around new places while not facing any difficulty due to bad internet connection.