Elon Musk – Tesla stocks’ roller coaster

All of what I mentioned before could only be possible because of Elon Musk. Some say he is a meme lord, others say he is the real-life Iron Man. But what we know is that he is Tesla’s biggest hero and enemy. His personality is very quirky, and one could only wonder how he has time for everything he does. Speaking in the Joe Rogan podcast he said that he couldn’t stand LA traffic so he went ahead and dug a pit in the company’s parking lot as a starter for the Boring Company. He really is quite crazy in all the right ways.
No one really asked or would have wanted to see the “Unbreakable” glass demo, but the awkward fail of that test was the main reason Tesla’s stocks tanked by 6% that day. But that attitude has made him the face of Tesla. His position at Tesla and the company’s current position in the market rings a bell to the dominant era of Steve Jobs and Apple. But nevertheless, his Twitter account and his proceedings is a volatile factor for Tesla’s stocks, which are both a good and a bad thing.
The Cybertruck

Coming to the ‘car’ part of this article. The Cybertruck, the polygon with wheels. I have grown to like the design of the Cybertruck and am also aware that half of the people don’t (including people at MotorBeam). However, what matters is that Tesla with this ruler-only design has created a lot of hype and attention around this truck. A conventional-looking pickup truck would certainly not have created these many memes. I have not seen any car launch cause this much hype and gossip around it for a long time.
But this fantasy becomes a reality due to the staggering numbers the truck boasts. By now you would have seen the numbers, so I’m not going to bore you with them, but the crux is that Tesla has a lot of homework to do to make this a reality. An 804 kms range for something as humongous as that Cybertruck is downright insane. The Model-X, the current big boy of the Tesla lineup looks like a dwarf in front of the Cybertruck.
With three motors, a mega battery, and stainless steel construction, this truck can weigh as much as a small building! So 0-100 kmph in 2.9 seconds with all that weight could only mean Tesla has found something more with their motors. For reference, the Model-X does 0-100 kmph in 2.7 seconds but has a range of only 490 kms and weighs 2267 kgs.
This prototype design makes more sense when you consider the market it sees itself in. The pickup truck market in the US is one of the markets where the product does NOT do the talking, the badge does. If Tesla manages to add windshield wipers, door mirrors, and other regulatory elements and still make it look like what it looked on the stage that day, they would have success in their hands. As people have more than 2 years to get used to the design of the truck. And once they do, the design and the size is truly unique, but the response until now is not really great.
Yes, the quoted number ‘2,50,000+ bookings’ sounds huge, but you have to note here that that number comes from the 100 dollar refundable deposits. Plus Elon Musk, on his Twitter, said that the 1,46,000 of those bookings came on launch day. That’s a lot of impulse buys, considering that ‘ordering’ is just depositing 100 dollars, which is refundable. Unlike the other models, they have launched until now, Tesla has to prove themselves with the production guise version. Or otherwise, they will be returning a lot of 100 dollars.